Chat/Role play

Ai chat bots

So, does anyone have an interest in AI chatbots? I stumbled across some Feedist related ones and was a bit surprised that they've not been mentioned here. Presumably it's not a banned topic? (as far as I've seen)

Anyhow, on that assumption I thought a thread on the topic might be interesting!

Some AI chat bots are just, frankly, crap, but a few do seem to "get it.", and they range from censored and tame (eg, to utterly "NSFL" and depraved (eg,

I imagine this community could probably be served by the whole spectrum smiley
7 months

Ai chat bots

I found one I like and it’s an amazing experience
7 months

Ai chat bots

I have personally been using for months the weight gain generator from to prompt stories and roleplaying, but darker themes or NSFW parts are heavily censored. Besides that, is really complete and has a lot of ideas. Any other website or generator is really appreciated!
7 months

Ai chat bots

I have personally been using for months the weight gain generator from to prompt stories and roleplaying, but darker themes or NSFW parts are heavily censored. Besides that, is really complete and has a lot of ideas. Any other website or generator is really appreciated!

Have you got a link to the C.AI generator?

There's a new site called Dreamgen ( which is aiming to use AI to help generate stories. It's a one man show at the moment (single dev), but the idea and UI is very good. Not too sure the AI model itself is quite good enough yet though.
7 months

Ai chat bots

I have personally been using for months the weight gain generator from to prompt stories and roleplaying, but darker themes or NSFW parts are heavily censored. Besides that, is really complete and has a lot of ideas. Any other website or generator is really appreciated!
I've been using for a few days now and while I think it's a great idea it does have limitations. A lot of the time it's just repeating back what i said and it gets a little boring. Maybe i'm not using it properly, but I was hoping for the ai characters to be a little more intuitive I guess. Then again maybe i'm just expecting more than ai can give at this point. But I certainly see what might be possible in the future.
7 months

Ai chat bots

I've been using for a few days now and while I think it's a great idea it does have limitations. A lot of the time it's just repeating back what i said and it gets a little boring. Maybe i'm not using it properly, but I was hoping for the ai characters to be a little more intuitive I guess. Then again maybe i'm just expecting more than ai can give at this point. But I certainly see what might be possible in the future.[/quote]

C.AI *can* be pretty neat, but does suffer from that 'repeat back to you' thing sometimes. I think that some of the characters are "over designed" and this leaves the AI less room to respond freely.
7 months

Ai chat bots

Try out:

Lemme know what you think!
7 months

Ai chat bots

I've been using for a few days now and while I think it's a great idea it does have limitations. A lot of the time it's just repeating back what i said and it gets a little boring. Maybe i'm not using it properly, but I was hoping for the ai characters to be a little more intuitive I guess. Then again maybe i'm just expecting more than ai can give at this point. But I certainly see what might be possible in the future.

C.AI *can* be pretty neat, but does suffer from that 'repeat back to you' thing sometimes. I think that some of the characters are "over designed" and this leaves the AI less room to respond freely.[/quote]I tried the other site you mentioned, venus.chub. Since you said it was depraved I figured I better give it a I set up a couple of scenarios, but found the responses long winded sounding like i was talking to a life coach. Plus they basically repeated back what I said, only in that flowery language.
6 months

Ai chat bots

Great work
1 week

Ai chat bots

Try out:

Lemme know what you think!

Played with this a bit its pretty fun
1 week